
I have recently started shopping at Ulta.
I decided to try out a few of their lipsticks and I found that I love them and my clients are loving them too! They smell good, last long on the lips and and their pigments are unbelievable. My favorite red that I bought for myself is #200
Vampy red is what I would name it.
It’s fantastic.

How to get rid of blackheads

Steam your face!
A great effective method to get rid of blackheads is steaming your face. This helps unclog pores and soften blackheads which will make the process of extraction easier. Boil water in a pot on your stove add a few drops of essential oils like lavender to make the steam smell amazing. Once your water reaches a rapid boiling point turn off the stove. Grab a towel and Drape it around your head, lean over the pot and let the steam rise to gently soften your skin for two to three minutes. Be careful to not burn yourself on the water, stove or pan . Once you’re done steaming walk to your bathroom and using a mirror to see, Gently squeeze out the oil from the clogged pore. Once you have removed the blackheads make sure to tone your skin.

Baking Soda
If you’re prone to blackheads, this scrub work wonders. Use in the shower add a little to your daily cleanser mix around and quickly add to your face moving your finger tips around in circular motions all over your face. Rinse off when your done scrubbing. Don’t leave on as a mask! Only scrub for a minute or two and rinse away. It works very well and is like microdermabrasion it’s awesome!

A great and inexpensive natural remedy for helping your skins overall health is using a good mask made up of freshly mashed tomatoes on the affected areas.
Leave on 15 minutes and then wash off.

Dab toothpaste on the blackheads and whiteheads and leave it for 20-25 minutes. You may feel a tingling sensation but it will subside gradually. Toothpaste works very well it removes all the humidity out of the blackhead making it easier to remove. Do this method every other day for a couple weeks and you will have baby smooth and flawless skin.

Lemon is so wonderful in so many different ways. To help give your skin a natural glow and slough off the dead skin cells as well as helping with white and blackheads lemon will do just about everything minus making you a sandwich lol . Squeeze lemon into a bowl on let a cotton ball soak up the juice. Spread around the problem areas avoiding your under and upper eyelids and your nasal folds ( the crease where your nostril is.)
You can also mix a tablespoon or more of lemon juice with tablespoon of sugar and use it as a scrub. Leave on for ten minutes, and then wash off with warm water. Lemon works as an astringent and whitener as well, so you are getting multiple benefits for your skin.
Remember, “Consistency” is the key to success! If you want a smooth, clean skin you need to follow these remedies on a regular basis. However, if the blackheads are stubborn go to a professional for a deep cleansing facial treatment.

Concealing those pesky dark circles

I hear from my clients daily ” please cover up my dark circle” . I love Benefits “Boi-ing” concealer. It’s creamy, it dries, it’s long lasting and not too thick.
I also use it on lips as a base to my nude lips. If you wanna look fab try out Boi-ing from Benefit!

Homemade Body Treatments

Here are some homemade body treatments I use to make my skin super soft.

Mexican Sugar added with your creamy or liquid body soap used in the shower sluffs off the dead skin cells but also leaves your skin super soft.  When you’re done showering you can rub your body down with Almond oil to add double the softness 🙂

The best face scrub ever

Baking Soda ( arm and hammer  or any brand from a health food store is fine )

Mix it with your face wash and scrub away in circular motions.

Your face is going to be so soft its Fabtastic!

You will thank me later.

Also here is the link to view the how to do the scrub from ARM AND HAMMER website

Vintage looks

I’m a sucker for vintage EVERYTHING!
My day to day makeup is a classic cat eye eyeliner and red lipstick. It’s been my look for as long as I can remember.
I have collected some amazing hair styles and makeup looks on my Pinterest page.
If you would like to check them out my page is

Come and check out my lovely finds xoxoxo and feel free to follow me too!
